
Learn Fresh Ideas Through Reading

Taylor Cothern - July 24, 2022

Learn Fresh Ideas Through Reading

“Summer Reading” - you may think back to your childhood and the fun summer reading programs offered by your local library. Let’s be honest, the best part is picking a prize out of the treasure box! Maybe summer reading makes you think of sitting by the beach with a 300 page romance novel. Or maybe summer reading makes you think - “Wait, what? That’s a thing?”Maybe sitting down and reading a book isn’t your thing. That’s totally okay! 

The reason “summer reading” is so popular is because of the experience that is associated with it. Summer reading is supposed to be a time of growth, learning something new, or sharing an experience through the eyes of a character in a story. Summer reading is supposed to be a moment to step out of reality and into a world that feels individualized and safe, well unless of course you are reading a murder mystery. 

You may still be saying, “Yeah, but reading isn’t my thing.” I disagree. We read all the time - emails, street signs, social media, restaurant menus, etc. And, reading doesn’t just have to be with a physical book. Maybe you don’t want to carry around a physical copy of a book but downloading an Ebook on your phone or reading device is more manageable. Or, are you a fan of music? Audio books count as reading too! Yes, you could do the dishes, or go for a walk, or do any other activity while listening to someone read to you! Maybe you don’t have time to read because...kids. Read with them! Share your favorite childhood book, or listen to them read to you! 

There are so many ways to enjoy the “summer reading” experience, find one that works best for you. So, where do you start? There are so many ways to find a book that you are interested in! 

- Think about what is important in your life - Are you in a season when you could use a little motivation? Look for a self-help book. 

- Maybe you are wanting something totally different from your daily life? Read a fiction book.

- Maybe you want to learn something new? Check out a nonfiction book on that topic, or even a magazine (yes, magazines count too!)

- Check with family and friends. You are sure to know someone who is a year-round “reader,” they will have plenty of recommendations!

- Check social media. So many famous icons and organizations have “book clubs” (Oprah, Jenna Bush Hagar, Barnes and Noble, Good Morning America, etc.)

- Head to your local library! Check out the “new” books section, or talk with a librarian!

- Head to an independent bookstore! There is nothing like a local bookstore!

-  Look in your community for a book club - join it!

Grab your book, or your reading device, or your headphones, and dive in. There is still plenty of time left - it’s time to get fresh ideas through reading!


 Current recommendation: Embrace Your Almost by Jordan Lee Dooley. 

Grey House is finishing up a summer book club. We went with a self-help book and had some amazing conversations based on the book! The book felt relatable to all ages and seasons of life. We definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a self-help book!


Taylor Cothern is a wife and mother who also loves teaching writing to 6th graders. In addition, Taylor loves writing herself in hopes that each idea will touch the life of someone else. 

Follow Taylor on Instagram @intentionalitay

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