Taylor Cothern - July 31, 2022
Plot Twist
Plot Twist - Yes, we have a plot twist for you this week! The past four weeks, on Sunday night, at 7:00 pm, we have pushed out a "Fresh" blog post for you, which we are hoping you have enjoyed! But, this week, we are changing things up a bit! We will bring you the final post in our "Fresh" series in the middle of the week because we think you will really appreciate this fresh idea in the middle of the week.
Do you want to know what keeps readers from wanting to put down a book, or viewers from tuning out of a movie? You guessed it, plot twists. A change in plans in a book or a movie is so fun and exciting! When you expect one thing, and something totally different happens instead it can "keep you on the edge of your seat."
But, what about plot twists in real life - when things don't always go according to plan? Often times we become frustrated, upset, or even disappointed. So what can we do to respond to a plot twist in real-life, the way we might in a book, or a movie?
Give yourself some grace. The past few years, everyone has encountered plot twists! Remember, we are humans, real people, with real feelings, and real emotions.
Something that makes the Grey House blog unique is that the ideas do not come from one person. This was designed for the community, by the community.
Plot Twist - every writer this month has been someone who is passionate about what they do, not "authors" in the idea that most would assume. There's real people, just like you, behind the words that you read each week.
So, maybe you aren't a "writer," that's ok. Make your own plot twist and share your ideas anyway, we are 100% here to support you!
And, don't forget to continue this plot twist, and check back with us mid-week for our final "Fresh" series post.
Taylor Cothern is a wife and mother who also loves teaching writing to 6th graders. In addition, Taylor loves writing herself in hopes that each idea will touch the life of someone else.
Follow Taylor on Instagram @intentionalitay