Community Writers - August 7, 2022
How do you savor those last few moments of summer?
+ Marcia Berg - Wife, Mother to one college daughter, High School Science Teacher
+ Leesa Chesnut - Farmer's Wife, Homeschooling Mom to four boys 18-10, business owner
+ Taylor Cothern - Wife, Boy Mom (2 years old), 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher, Writer
+ Brynn Howard - Mom to a rainbow baby girl who is now 4, Wife of 15 years, Physician Recruiter and LCSW
+ Natalie Jones - Mom to 6 year old son, Fur Mom, Wife to a high school teacher, 2nd Grade Teacher, Upcoming Foster Parent
+ Heather Lindahl - Wife, Mom of three girls (7, 4, 1), Substance Abuse Counselor, Cupcake Business Owner
+ Lisa Mayhall - Wife, Mom of two teenage daughters (16, 17), Junior High School Principal
Marcia Berg- One way that my daughter and I carve out time to spend together is by picking a TV series on Netflix and then we watch one episode together each night or afternoon, depending on our schedules. (The last series we watched was Gilmore Girls.) While she is away at school, we don’t watch any episodes by ourselves. We only watch them when we are together.
During the summer one of my favorite things to do is sit outside in the sun and read. So, I will definitely be trying to squeeze a few more books in to finish before summer ends.
And of course, there are all the back to school shopping trips for all the little things my daughter needs before going back to campus. We have learned that the stores near campus don’t always have everything she needs because everyone is trying to buy the same things when they get to campus. We have also learned to use the Target and Amazon online purchase and shipping to get the items needed to campus quickly. And who doesn’t like to get a package while they are at school? I enjoy these last outings together before we both get busy with the new school year.
Leesa Chesnut - Our summers consist of lots of gardening and raising animals, so the final days of our summers are spent at the Fair, showing animals. To make sure that we savor that time (this can be any sport/activity your child does) we try to do it together.The whole family eats together as often as we can at the Fair and shows up to support our family members in their endeavors.
We have one son who will head to college in the fall, so we are planning a final "go to the State Park and Hike" day to send him off.
Taylor Cothern - This summer with my son Adam has been one of the best! He is at an age where he loves to learn and explore, so the end of summer is definitely feeling sad to me. There have been a few favorites this summer - gardening, swimming, walks, and reading a lot! So, to savor the last few days of summer, we are going to do all of those things as often as we can! I am also planning a kid-free dinner with my husband before going back to school.
I have one week left of summer, so I am going to take advantage of every opportunity to nap, while I can. The to-do list will still be there when I wake up.
Brynn Howard - With my daughter, Tessa, still in year round daycare/preschool, our back to school time isn’t much different than the rest of the year, but there is still the pressure to make the summer the best it can be (ie. fitting in ALL the things) which stresses me out! One thing I have been doing this summer is trying to stop and enjoy the small things with Tess. Marveling in the magic of bubbles, enjoying sidewalk chalk, playing for hours with neighbors- those are the things she will remember!
Natalie Jones - Summers are always bittersweet for me. I give so much of myself to my school and parents that summer is all about my son, Finn. I try to cram as much fun and activities in as possible. I have anxiety and depression (I am medicated, thank goodness for these meds!) so a lot of this summer has been filled with anxiety of what the new school year will bring. But, as this summer comes to a close, I have grounded myself in doing one school thing a night and focusing on my family during the day. We might go to a park, ride bikes, do some crafts, or go to the zoo.
After Finn goes to bed, I put on one of my shows I have seen a million times (so I don't miss anything important!), and do some school prep. I have more, but I refuse to let my profession take over my life!